Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Looking past the scriptures

I'd become a blog-aholic if my household could afford me to get lost in all the cool stuff there is to read online. This was the case before we started home school, and it's only gone downhill since.

What I find EXTREMELY common among HS bloggers is their reliance on Christian faith. That's SO not my family, and yet I can't blame people for believing what they choose to believe. So I've learned to "look past the scriptures" in HS blog posts and gather what insight I can, to apply to our world. Some writers are more verbally faith-based than others (ie: their blogs revolve around references to their faith). But I read them anyway because I like their style and/or what they have to say (regardless of their faith).

So today I joined Pinterest (thanks, Leigh, for this downward spiral!) and started pinning blogs that I'd bookmarked in hopes of reading further. It's not about the obvious religion in those blogs, but about finding commonalities with other home school families, other families with special needs kids, other families with multiples, moms who like to cook - whatever. If we've got something in common and I like what I've read so far, I'll bookmark it - or rather, I'll pin it from now on. Seems like a great way to preserve a reminder for myself without stuffing my bookmarks folders so full that I can't find anything.

So yeah, I'll look past your scripture if you'll look past my secular leanings.

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